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Pages: 348, John MacArthur
Long-Awaited Systematic Theology by Well-Known Pastor, Author, and President of the Master's Seminary Doctrine isn’t just for theologians―it’s...
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Pages: 187, Nick Roark și Robert Cline
How does the church guard against false gospels? Every week, many churches around the world read the Bible but miss the main point—and end up teaching...
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John Stott, Pages: 156, Read online
Calling Christian Leaders John Stott Recovering Christ's radical style of servant leadership, following the living models set out by Paul in 1...
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Tom Holland, Pages: 448, Read online
COUNTOURS OF PAULINE THEOLOGY: A radical new survey of the influences on Paul’s biblical writings Tom Holland Format 138x210 448 pages In a...
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Pages: 170, Michael Lawrence
Convertirea adevărată nu este o fațadă a unui om „simpatic”, și nici nu depinde de o decizie luată cândva, cu ani în urmă. Adevărata convertire nu este cu nimic mai prejos decât nașterea din nou, creația nouă și viața nouă în Cristos.
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Pages: 158, Mark Dever
Ucenicizarea este un mandat biblic, motivată de ascultarea față de porunca lui Cristos și de dragostea pentru alții, nu un efort rezervat câtorva creștini. 
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Donald Fairbairn, Pages: 283, Read online
EASTERN ORTHODOXY THROUGH WESTERN EYES Donald Fairbairn 138x210, 283 pages Oringinally published in 2002 by Westminster John Knox Press,...
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Roger Weil, Pages: 400, Read online
Here is a practical Systematic Theology written in a non-technical and easy-to-read style so that the major doctrines of the Christian Faith are made plain...
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