Pages: 44, Paul Mackrell
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Pages: 108, Stuart Olyott
In this book Stuart Olyott shows that the doctrine of the Trinity is plainly taught in the Bible, and that it is the foundation for a true understanding of the Christian gospel.
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Pages: 210, Stuart Olyott
Read this book and recover a sense of wonder as you are drawn to gaze upon the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. Perhaps you have wondered how two natures...
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Pages: 260, Garry J. Williams
The repeated refrain of Psalm 136 is that God's love endures for ever. In the words of Samuel Francis's hymn, the 'deep, deep love of Jesus' is 'vast,...
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Pages: 196, Tim Chester
Sometimes its hard to see the wood for the trees. Running through the many gripping and memorable stories the Bible contains is one big story of Gods plan...
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Pages: 606, Thomas R. Schreiner
Every serious student of the New Testament and of Christian theology must come to grips with the apostle Paul. In  Paul, Apostle of God's Glory in Christ,...
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Pages: 186, Vaughan Roberts
Sixty-six books written by forty people over nearly 2,000 years, in two languages and several different genres. A worldwide bestseller published in...
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Pages: 187, Nick Roark și Robert Cline
How does the church guard against false gospels? Every week, many churches around the world read the Bible but miss the main point—and end up teaching...
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Pages: 493, J. C. Ryle
It was the prophet Jeremiah who first used the expression 'old paths' and assured those who followed them that they would find 'rest for (their) souls'...
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Pages: 448, John MacArthur
Long-Awaited Systematic Theology by Well-Known Pastor, Author, and President of the Master's Seminary Doctrine isn’t just for theologians―it’s...
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Pages: 348, John MacArthur
Long-Awaited Systematic Theology by Well-Known Pastor, Author, and President of the Master's Seminary Doctrine isn’t just for theologians―it’s...
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Pages: 153, Bobby Jamieson
Autorul ne ajută să vedem cum învățătura sănătoasă nu doar modelează, ci și dă putere tuturor slujirilor din biserica locală, de la evanghelizarea eficientă până la grupurile mici. Această carte ar putea să slujească drept punct de plecare pentru o analiză serioasă a filozofiei tale de slujire în biserică. 
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Pages: 158, Mark Dever
Ucenicizarea este un mandat biblic, motivată de ascultarea față de porunca lui Cristos și de dragostea pentru alții, nu un efort rezervat câtorva creștini. 
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Pages: 108, D. M. Lloyd-Jones
Authority D.M. Lloyd-Jones În societatea contemporană se observă o lipsă acută a autorității. Orice formă de autoritate pe care am moștenit-o...
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Pages: 706, Wayne Grudem
Wayne Grudem crede că „teologia este făcută cu intenţia de a fi trăită, pusă în rugăciune şi cântată!”. Dar înainte de a se întâmpla acest lucru aceasta...
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Pages: 223, Benjamin Dean
GREAT TRUTHS Christ has risen from the dead! After two thousand years of the most determined assault upon the evidence that demonstrates it, that fact...
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