28.00  RON
Pages: 210, Stuart Olyott
Read this book and recover a sense of wonder as you are drawn to gaze upon the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. Perhaps you have wondered how two natures...
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28.00  RON
Pages: 153, Bobby Jamieson
Autorul ne ajută să vedem cum învățătura sănătoasă nu doar modelează, ci și dă putere tuturor slujirilor din biserica locală, de la evanghelizarea eficientă până la grupurile mici. Această carte ar putea să slujească drept punct de plecare pentru o analiză serioasă a filozofiei tale de slujire în biserică. 
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28.00  RON
Pages: 158, Mark Dever
Ucenicizarea este un mandat biblic, motivată de ascultarea față de porunca lui Cristos și de dragostea pentru alții, nu un efort rezervat câtorva creștini. 
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25.00  RON
John Stott, Pages: 156, Read online
Calling Christian Leaders John Stott Recovering Christ's radical style of servant leadership, following the living models set out by Paul in 1...
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25.00  RON
Pages: 165, Erroll Hulse
The Public Testimony of Baptism Erroll Hulse What is the testimony of baptism? Should believers alone be baptized? What mode should be used? By...
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22.00  RON
Peter Masters, Pages: 144, Read online
This lively and clearly reasoned book focuses on four crucial principles of worship laid down by Christ and strongly re-affirmed at the Reformation.
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22.00  RON
Pages: 108, Stuart Olyott
In this book Stuart Olyott shows that the doctrine of the Trinity is plainly taught in the Bible, and that it is the foundation for a true understanding of the Christian gospel.
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21.00  RON
David Jackman, Pages: 156, Read online
Această carte aduce anumite clarificări privitoare la caracterul şi lucrarea Duhului Sfânt, oferindu-i celui ce conduce un studiu biblic sau predică din Cuvânt mijlocul necesar pentru a-şi putea îndeplini misiunea cu autoritate, menţinând astfel sănătatea şi viaţa unei biserici care Îl glorifică pe Dumnezeu în unitate, în duh şi în adevăr.
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21.00  RON
Peter Masters & John C. Whitcomb, Pages: 114, Read online
The authors describe the purpose of the sign-miracles and revelatory gifts of New Testament times, and their precise nature.
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21.00  RON
Pages: 108, D. M. Lloyd-Jones
Authority D.M. Lloyd-Jones În societatea contemporană se observă o lipsă acută a autorității. Orice formă de autoritate pe care am moștenit-o...
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20.00  RON
Pages: 140, John Calvin
Biblical Christianity John Calvin An abridged version of Calvin’s Institutes.
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20.00  RON
Mark Dever, Pages: 144, Read online
WHAT IS A HEALTHY CHURCH? by Mark Dever Guides both pastors and members to recognize key characteristics of a healthy church and then challenge each person to do his or her part in developing those characteristics in the local church body.
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15.00  RON
Pages: 101, James Buchanan
Not Guilty James Buchanan A brief but in-depth presentation of the doctrine of Justification by faith alone.
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12.00  RON
Pages: 110, Samuel E. Waldron

Samuel E. Waldron builds a systematic case for the complete cessation of the miraculous gifts as well as the offices of apostle and prophet.

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11.00  RON
Pages: 100, Peter Jeffery
Walk Worthy Peter Jeffery A brief presentation of some of the most important teachings of the Christian faith.
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10.00  RON
Pages: 24, Erroll Hulse
Baptism and Church Membership (brochure) Erroll Hulse Biblical teaching about our responsibilities as members of the local church.
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