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Bryan Chapell, Pages: 436, Read online
A complete perspective on expository preaching teaches the basics of preparation, organization, and delivery -- the trademarks of great preaching.
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Pages: 192, Nigel Beynon și Andrew Sach
This is a toolbox. Sorry if that conjures up painful memories of failed DIY projects, hours spent waiting for the emergency services on the hard shoulder of...
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Pages: 158, David Helm
What makes for good preaching? In this accessible volume—written for preachers and preachers in training—pastor David Helm outlines what must be believed...
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Peter Masters, Pages: 174, Read online
NOT LIKE ANY OTHER BOOK - Interpreting the Bible Peter Masters Format 160x228, 174 pages Faulty Bible interpretation lies at the root of every...
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Pages: 218, Constantin Ghioancă
Salutăm apariția acestei cărți, oferită lucrătorilor cu Evanghelia din România. Scrisă de un om care a convins demult prin pasiunea pentru predicarea...
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Greg Scharf, Pages: 219, Read online
Prepared to Preach Greg Scharf A comprehensive yet digestible guide. Scharf focuses on the attitudes and skills those inexperienced in preaching...
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Pages: 265, Wayne McDill
Here are twelve proven ways to pack more content and effectiveness into every sermon, covering all of the bases from general preparation to the end result of increasing each listener's faith.
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Walter C. Kaiser Jr., Pages: 242, Read online
Will prove valuable reading to anyone who is charged with teaching and preaching of the Word of God. It will provide a sound basis for reflection on how one should move from the study of the biblical text to a contemporary presentation of its message.
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