The Doctrine and Practice of Holiness

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Erroll Hulse

Format 140x200, 420 pages, paperback

Published in English by Evangelical Press in 2011

As we will see in the pages of this book, holiness in the Bible is both apartness and beauty. To be holy is to be happy. That is the very life of the Triune God, who is perfect in holiness and perfect in love. Because he is perfect in holiness and love he is perfectly blessed or happy.

The purpose of this book is to provide the doctrinal structures for holiness, structures which are basic and urgently needed as we advance into the 21st century.  Western Europe, once the home of the Reformation and many powerful revivals, is now dominated by secularism and postmodernism. Television is the medium of postmodernism and viewers are unlikely ever to hear the word ‘sin’ or the word ‘holy’ in a biblical context. The word ‘sin’ is replaced by the word ‘mistake’. In terms of holiness every Christian is a professional. The whole of life is dedicated to the practice of holiness. No time and no area of life is omitted. The Holy Spirit does not live in us for some of the time, say Mondays, Wednesdays and Sundays and then absent himself on the other days. He is a constant, abiding, indwelling Spirit. The Holy Spirit who indwells us never takes days off or goes on holiday cruises.

Erroll Hulse is the retired Associate Pastor of Leeds Reformed Baptist Church, England and Editor of Reformation Today

‘This timely work on Holiness is an important contribution to a subject on which many distorted and even bizarre views have been offered in the last hundred or so years. Modern in presentation, it is rooted in historic Reformed theology. Many of us owe a great debt to J.C. Ryle’s classic treatment of this subject, but that was published over one hundred and thirty years ago. Since Ryle wrote, others have sometimes muddied the waters. We have here a masterly modern presentation, well written, addressing contemporary issues, but always working from first principles. Erroll Hulse pays attention to important subjects like positional sanctification which have not always had adequate consideration by writers on holiness. This book is thorough, but also popular, easy to read and well illustrated with windows and diagrams. It should remain a useful resource for pastors and Christians generally for years to come.’
Robert Oliver, Bradford on Avon






Erroll Hulse

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