What the Bible teaches about the Person of Christ

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Read this book and recover a sense of wonder as you are drawn to gaze upon the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. Perhaps you have wondered how two natures could perfectly co-exist in one person: the answers are here, clearly drawn from Scripture and expressed in plain English. It also exposes the fundamental errors of the cults and the liberal theologians who either deny our Lord’s divinity or do not do full justice to his humanity.

[A] sure-footed study of what the Bible teaches about Christ . . . This is the work of a ‘kneeling theologian’ . . . It is a summons to believe right , and to live well . . . This is a book well worth reading and pondering.
From the Foreword by David F Wells, Distinguished Senior Research Professor at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.

Stuart Olyott, born in Pakistan in 1942, was brought up in Asia, Chester and West Wales. He has held pastorates in London, Liverpool and Lausanne and served both Bryntirion College and the Evangelical Movement of Wales. He travels widely as a conference speaker and is the author of several books, including a companion to this volume (What the Bible Teaches About the Trinity), and four titles in the Welwyn Commentary series (Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon, Daniel, Romans, Ephesians).

Stuart Olyott

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