IT IS NOT GOOD THAT THE MAN SHOULD BE ALONE: Theological and psychological perspectives on the family
Paul Negrut
Format 138x210
272 pages
In Genesis 2, verse 18 the Bible presents us the beginning of family life. The initiative belongs to God. The family is God’s creation. When we think about a happy marriage, we have in our mind the marriage between a man and women who fulfils each other spiritually, intellectually, emotionally and biologically. But the starting point for a happy family is the spiritual dimension of his or her life. A happy family is a family in which both, the husband and wife, fulfil each other in all the area of their lives, and together they fulfil God’s plan with man. Because many people abandoned God’s plan with the family, they experience problems and marriage crises. If we want things to work out well in our family life, we must return to the way in which God planned the family life and to learn how to follow that plan. Dr. Paul Negrut, a theologian and psychologist, teaches us in this series of addresses how to work out God’s plan in our family life so that we can live this life in a fulfilled and happy way.